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How to use the list

This article explains how to make your research more efficient with the list.

Moritz Brunner avatar
Written by Moritz Brunner
Updated over a week ago

The list is an important research tool that allows you to save, sort, manage and export your search results. The best thing is: thanks to the comment and voting function, you can work together with others in the list. In this article, I will guide you through the most important functions and show you how to organise your research more efficiently with the list. Would you like to start an interactive tour through the list? Then click here and let yourself be guided through the list.

How to get to the lists

You can access the list either by clicking on the "List" item in the main menu on the left-hand side or by clicking on the list icon in the top navigation.

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List menu

You are now in the list menu. Here you can create new lists and edit your existing lists. You can manage your lists in the "Personal lists" tab. Here you will find the standard list, which is your start list. Results are automatically saved in this list if you do not select another list.

In the "Public lists" tab, you will find carefully curated lists from the StiftungSchweiz team on specific topics as well as lists from other users who share their lists with all users of the platform. More on this later.

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Please note: Public lists are only available from Pro plan onwards.

Next, let's create a list. To do this, click on "Create list". You then define a title and a short description of your list.

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You have various editing options in the list menu:

  • You can move your lists by selecting the icon to the left of the list and dragging and dropping your lists to the desired position.

  • By clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the title, you can change the name and description of the list and delete the list.

  • On the right, you can see who owns the list and the current access status of the list.

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Change access status

You have the option of sharing a list or making it public. To do this, click on "Private". In the following menu, you now have the option to change the access status of your list.

  • Private: Only you have access to your list.

  • Shared: You share your list with other users. Together you can add new entries to the list, comment on them and vote for entries.

  • Public: You share your list with all StiftungSchweiz users.

If you want to share a list, add the email address of the people you want to invite in the "Email address" field and click on "Apply". Alternatively, you can also click on "Copy URL of this list" below and send the URL to the person elsewhere.

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Please note: Lists can only be shared with users on paid plans (Starter, Pro, Partner).

Edit access rights

If you share your list with other users, you can give the members of the list different access rights:

  • Viewer: This person can only read the content of the list.

  • Contributor: This person can edit the content of the list, i.e. comment, vote, export the list, add new entries and assign tags.

  • Moderator: This person can manage the access rights of the members of a list and delete entries in a list.

There is also the owner of a list. This is always the person who created the list. They can delete the list again and adjust the access status of the list.

​Edit user rights

In addition to the access rights, you can also precisely define the user rights of your list members. You can control the following user rights:

  • Allow members to vote on list items

  • Allow members to add comments to list items

  • Allow members to manage list items

Members with the status "Contributor" or "Moderator" have these user rights by default. If you want to restrict the user rights of these members temporarily or adjust them very precisely, you can adjust the user rights here.

Members with the status "Spectator׃in" do not have any of these user rights by default and are not affected by the control of user rights.

List detail page

Let's now switch to the list details page. To do this, simply click on one of your lists. If you are just starting your research on, your list will probably be empty. I'll show you how to fill it.

Add organisations to a list

There are several ways in which you can add organisations to a list.

  1. Search: You can add suitable organisations to a list directly on the search results page. To do this, simply click on the list icon next to a result and select the list of your choice.

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  2. Organisation portrait: Alternatively, you can also add an organisation to a list from the respective portrait. To do this, click on "Add to list" at the bottom of the portrait.

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  3. List recommendations: On the list details page, you will receive recommendations for other organisations that could fit into your list. These recommendations are generated on the basis of similarity to organisations already added to the list.

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Please note: The list recommendations are only available from Pro plan.

Working in the list

You now know how to save your research results or store them in a list. Now I'll show you how to edit and manage the research results in your list.

Editing list entries

You will see two icons to the right of the organisation name. There you can copy your list entries to another list with a click or delete them directly. You can also drag and drop an entry to another position in the list by clicking on the icon with the two dashes.

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Assign tags

To group or mark your list entries, you can assign tags to them. To do this, simply click on "Edit tags". In the following menu, you can create a new tag in the text field (confirm with the Enter key) or remove existing tags by clicking on the x icon.

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Filter and sort lists

You can filter your list entries by tag. To do this, click on the filter icon above the list entries and select one or more of your tags. Only entries with corresponding tags will then be displayed.

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Commenting and voting for list entries

The commenting and voting functions are perfect for collaborating within a shared list. Exchange comments on a specific organisation with other members of the list or vote democratically together for your favourite organisations. But they also offer you added value in a private list: leave a note to yourself via a comment or use the vote function to prioritise the entries. You can leave a comment by clicking on the speech bubble icon. You can assign a vote by clicking on one of the arrows and choosing between a positive and a negative vote.

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Export list

If you want, you can easily export your list and edit it as an .xls or .csv file. Simply click on one of the two file types. Please note that tags, comments and votes are not exported.

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Activity history

The activity history keeps you informed about updates to organisations that have been added to your list.

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Please note: The activity history is only available from Pro plan.

Subscribe to public lists

Let's go back to the list overview and take a look at the public lists. To do this, click on the "Public lists" tab. In the following menu, you will see all lists that have been made public either by users or by the StiftungSchweiz team.

By clicking on one of the three tabs "All", "Subscribed" and "StiftungSchweiz", you can filter the lists accordingly.

The StiftungSchweiz lists are carefully curated lists on specific topics. New curated lists are added on an ongoing basis. Click on "Subscribe" to join a public list and gain read access.

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Please note: The public lists can only be subscribed to with plan Pro.

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