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Grant and Funding Management from a non-profit perspective
Grant and Funding Management from a non-profit perspective

This article explains the various functions of our grant and funding management tool for NonProfit.

Claire de Trey-Freymond avatar
Written by Claire de Trey-Freymond
Updated over a week ago

Our grant and funding management system fits directly into our platform and builds heavily on the organization and project portraits on NonProfits submit applications directly on the portrait of participating funding organizations. And the application itself refers to the organization and project portrait of the applicant organization. Both portraits provide the basis for the first two of three parts of the application. This means you only have to enter these two parts once and can concentrate fully on the third part of the application. The third part includes the request (you can read here why we do not include a cover letter in the standard template of our application form and how to write an effective request) as well as additional questions and attachments. These can vary greatly depending on the funding organization.

If you are a NonProfit and do not yet manage an organization or have not yet created a project, you must do this first. Your organization and your project must both be published on the platform before you can submit an application. You can also publish your project in private mode if you only want to share it with certain funding organizations and not with all organizations on

Submitting applications

As a nonprofit, you can start the application process for participating funding organizations directly from their portrait on After clicking on ‘Submit application’, select your organization and the project for which you would like to submit an application from the drop-down menu and click on ‘Continue’.

You can submit applications directly from the portrait of the funding organization.

The input screen will show you whether you have entered all the required information on your organization and project portrait. If information is still missing, you can go directly from the input screen to the relevant portrait and add the missing entries there.

The input screen will show you whether any information is still missing for your application.

Then carefully complete the request and the individual questions of the funding organization. When you have finished, click on ‘Next’. Now check all the information. You can adjust your details again by clicking on ‘Back to editing’. If all the details are correct, click on ‘Send request’ to submit your application.

Application overview

You can see all your applications in your application overview sorted by status under the menu item ‘Grant Requests’. In the overview, you can see at a glance for each application which organization the application was submitted to, for which project, the amount requested and the total amount required, the project duration, the request and the status.


Your applications are divided into four status in the Grant Requests overview:

  • Drafts

  • Submitted

  • Accepted

  • Rejected

You will be informed automatically when the status of your application changes from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’. This means you always have an overview of all your applications.


We use a clever labeling system to manage and filter applications. To add a label to a request, click on ‘Edit labels’, enter the label in the text field and then press ‘Enter’. Add as many labels as you like and then click on ‘Save’.

You can enter labels here.

To filter for a label, click on the symbol with the three dashes next to ‘Labels’ and select the desired labels.

This is how you filter for labels.

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